We're Here to Help!
We are here to answer your questions and assist you!
Office: RB 112
Phone: 801.422.3644
Email: studentwellness@byu.edu

Nathan Ormsby

Jamal Willis

Sina Hoggan

Emily Andrews

Cassidy Hadden

Candace Bonsteel

Heather Siaki

Morris Havea

James Eagar
Athletic Training Manager

Haley Hickman
Wellness Wise Committee Coordinator

Maya Koller

Phil Kelly
Christian Abbott

Gardner Kearsley

Jayme Slaughter
Program Coordinator
For every student to enjoy a healthy student experience and pursue ones best self.
Student Wellness provides programs, services, education, & facilities that inspire students to live well,
connect, and form lifelong wellness behaviors that lead to a healthier and happier life.
Wellness is "the balanced development of the total person..." (BYU Mission Statement), and is holistically comprised of six dimensions, Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Financial, Emotional, and Social.
Discipleship - We strive to follow the Savior’s example, embody His attributes, show compassion, and
pursue excellence through inspired assessment and individual responsibility.
Student Focus - We empower student autonomy and advocate for their efforts to develop and pursue
their best selves. Collaborating across campus, we enhance our collective efforts to provide robust
service and unwavering support to our students.
Belonging - We invite contributions from, respect the views of, seek to create safe environments for,
and support students and employees from all backgrounds, cultures, disabilities, ethnicities, life
experiences and perspectives.
Student Wellness enhances the student experience through six operational areas: Facilities Services, Intramural Sports, Wellness Programs, Extramural Sports, Outdoors Unlimited, and SWELL Courses. Each serves a purpose in fulfilling the vision “For every student to pursue their best self and enjoy a healthy student experience”
Facility Services
Facility Services assists university departments, programs and activities by providing building coordination, supervision, equipment, maintenance, and safety services.
Intramural Sports
Intramural Sports provides a variety of activities selected on the basis of their contribution to the development of the whole individual and building connection. The Intramural Office strives to provide programming for all levels of ability and experience.
Wellness Programs
Wellness Programs provide opportunities for students to pursue their best selves and build a culture of wellness on campus through programming, events, services, and resources in all the dimensions of wellness.
Extramural Sports
Extramural Sports develops students by facilitating sport competition and team connections that empower them to pursue their best selves and serve others.
Outdoors Unlimited
Outdoors Unlimited provides BYU students with opportunities, experiences, and quality outdoor equipment that aids them in creating life-long habits of wholesome recreation.
SWELL Courses
SWELL Courses are introductory level academic classes that teach students skills and life-long behaviors to promote lasting health and wellness.
"Behaviors that lead to a healthier and happier life"
Connection: Experiencing positive, trusting relationships with others. Feeling a sense of belonging, acceptance, and support.
Health: Beyond the absence of mental and physical illness, health is a feeling of strength and energy from you body and mind.
Growth: Feeling like you are progressing in your goals. Learning and being challenged to use and expand your strengths.
Resilience: Being capable of meeting personal challenge and change. Viewing life with optimism. Feeling grateful and expressing appreciation. Feeling validated and encouraged.
Achievement: Feeling you have the support, resources and autonomy to achieve your goals. Succeeding at meeting your individual goals and aspirations.
Safety: Knowing that you are free from physical and psychological harm. Feeling secure enough to take calculated risks and show vulnerability. Free of concern about meeting basic life needs.