BYU offers a variety of group fitness classes to the campus community. We want to help you rise to a new standard of wellness and optimism in your daily life, through exercise.
How Do I Join?
YFitness classes are free for all facility wristband holders!
Fill out a waiver online, and then visit the Student Wellness Information Desk (RB 112) to get a facility wristband. Visit this link to see if you're eligible.
Note: No classes will be held on University holidays.
BYU reserves the right to change or cancel a class at any time. Be a part of our Facebook/Instagram community for updates (@byustudentwellness)!
Click the button below for a comprehensive list of YFitness Policies, including answers to frequently asked questions.
Class offerings will change from semester to semester, but these are the types of classes we may offer at any given time.
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Aquatic Fitness (Aquafit) is an excellent full-body, low-impact workout that increases cardiovascular fitness and builds lean body mass without increased stress to the musculoskeletal system. We offer a deep water and shallow water class
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Barre is a high-energy program focusing on strength, flexibility, stamina, and dynamic stability. It is full-body sculpting using the ballet barre and small, isometric, concentrated movement - paying particular attention to correct biomechanics of movement.
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High Fitness
HIGH transforms old-school aerobics into a highly addictive new fitness experience that combines simple, modern fitness techniques (i.e. HIIT, plyometrics, etc.) with music you know and love. This results in a high-energy, INTENSE, and crazy fun workout that leaves participants feeling HIGH and wanting more. Our formula alternates between cardio peaks and toning tracks that will take your heart rate to the sky and strength to the next level.
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Pilates is a great core workout for beginners and advanced alike. This program hones in on the torso and sling muscles that connect your upper and lower body. It’s ideal for tightening your tummy and glutes, as well as improving functional strength and assisting injury prevention.
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Looking for the chiseled and toning effect? This class uses free weights, resistance bands, barbells, steps, body weight, and plyometrics to tone and tighten everywhere.
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Spin (Indoor Cycling)
Be ready to climb mountains and speed through intervals while listening to good music. You will want water and a towel for this one for sure!
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StepIt is a simplified, modernized, energized step aerobics program that has revolutionized the old-school step format. It is a high-energy, low-impact fitness class. Each class incorporates toning/sculpting and choreography that makes every class feel like a party!
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Yoga eases the stress of your day by using dynamic breathing and strong flowing movements for greater strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
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We take the "work" out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you'll see why Zumba ®Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance, and flexibility, boosted energy, and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class.