Fall 2020 Lazy Cougarthon Oct2020 Skip to main content

Fall 2020 Lazy Cougarthon

Thursday, October 01 - Saturday, October 31

Lazy Cougarthon Information

The Fall 2020 Lazy Cougarthon will happen through the month of October. You can register for this event from September 1 - October 5, 2020. The cost is $5 and successful finishers get a t-shirt.

You will have a full month to complete the Triathlon requirements: 26.2 miles of running, 2.4 miles of swimming and 112 miles of bike riding.

Once you register online you'll receive a tally card to track your progress, just show your completed tally card at the end to claim your t-shirt from 112 RB info desk. Tally cards and waiver forms will be sent out on a weekly basis.


Do you need to be a BYU student to participate?

No, not at all. The Lazy Cougarthon is open to staff, faculty, dependents and alumni. You would just need to pick-up your shirt when completed, T-shirts will not be shipped.

Can I register with a group or team?

Sadly no, the challenge is for individuals. However if you have a group of friends or ward that would like to do it together, each participant would need to register and then you can exercise together.

How can I get my t-shirt?

T-shirts are given out the weeks after the month of the event. We know some of you are so fast and complete the challenge by mid-month but due to shirt orders we won't be able to distribute them until after the event is over. To claim your shirt you need to show a completed tally card at the 112 RB information desk and they will give you the shirt.

I can't swim, are there any accommodations?

Yes, we're just happy for you to participate. When you receive your tally card, via email, there will be instructions on how you can replace the swimming with another activity.

Do I have to ride or run outside?

Nope, you can use a treadmill or elliptical and walk the 26.2 miles, stationary bikes or spin bikes count to for the 112 miles. Top tip: Its best to be consistent, a little exercise each day adds up. Don't try to do it all in a few days.